Good Thursday Morning everyone...its raining here this am..rained off and on all day on Wednesday..and a sad day..My grandsons's are going home today...their Mom, (Angie) got here last night to spend the night and take them home today..Gage cried and cried last night because he doesn't want to go home..guess Nana spoiled him to much and now it makes me feel bad..he was telling her all the things he got to do here he doesn't get to do at home..I had been trying to tell him all week those things were "special going to Nanas house things" and the were special because he only got to do them at Nanas..didn't work..I told him if he lived with me all the time he would have to do things just like he did at home..that didn't work either..he still wants to stay with me..he went to bed crying and it broke my heart..I just hope he doesn't cry when he leaves and get his mom (and me) all upset..I think Zane is glad to go home..I didn't baby him and give him his way all the time like his dad does..but all in all it was a great trip.. The first time they ever got to stay with me alone..I am so thrilled they moved to Alabama!! I'm just not used to little boys anymore and I think I've gotten to used to living alone..LOL
Boy I have lots of things to show you today..I have a new kit in the store called Heritage Cards..something a bit different but I really like the way they turned out...they are made to coordinate with KimB's Designs By Gone Gents kit but they also work well with other kits and papers.

Here's a few layouts done with them

Paula did this one..I think it is just beautiful she used Kim's kit for hers
Here is one I made using ByGone Gents and my WA Card and a beautiful frame from NA that's all that I have to offer as credit..this is a picture of my great grandfather John Wagnon.
I also made this one to show you how well the cards go with other kits..this beautiful kit is called Ambient Moments and its by Boo Silva (BooLandDesigns) I changed the color of the ribbon.
This is another I made..Heritage Pages are my very favorite to scrap..I used Kims kit BirthdayBash was a part of a kit made by the designers at DSO as a birthday gift to our friends and another card from the Heritage Card Bundle
You can find this set of 20 word arts on their own transparent png file 300 dpi..and on sale can find them Here
I have more beautiful pages to show you..
My friend Kim sent me this awesome layout..its her Kitty Roxy, she used a new kit by Bonnie Van Esch's called Bird on a Wire and word art from my Here Kitty word art set..
Marion sent me this precious layout of their miracle baby James..she used Kims kit Precious Angel Memories-Blue and my Sweet Baby word art set
My friend Jenni at Chaos Lounge has a beautiful new kit out in her store called Rainy Day Blues and its a's a little preview
It just so happened that it rained yesterday and I got some cute shots of the boys playing in the drizzle..
This kit and picture made me think of that old Gene Kelly movie where he sang Singing in the Rain..I had to put some of the lyrics here..seemed just perfect..I know some of you are too young to remember this old black and white move lol but maybe you have heard the song..
Jen has this beautiful freebie for you on her blog

I made you a little freebie also using this beautiful layered edge..
If you would like to have this QP just click here and be sure to check out Jens kit at her store
Don't forget to drop by the DSO Blog and pick up your treat for today
If you like my New Heritage Cards drop by today and pick them up while they are on sale.
Ummm lets see, did I forget any more reminders LOL..oh yes just one..
The DSO Challenges for this month..mine is the photo op challenge be sure and visit and have some fun and also get some awesome posting gifts from the designers.
Thanks for looking today friends...hope you all a great day..wear a big ole smile today and remember to keep looking up..pray for your friends..we don't know who may need a special one today..and big much love Jazzy