Monday, August 16, 2010


Hello everyone, hope you all had a great weekend..mine seemed like it was 3 weekends long…and this morning things don’t seem to be any different..but it’s early so hopefully the day will get better..Chase was here this weekend and he wanted a Hamburger Quiche, his mom used to make them a lot and we all loved I doubled the recipe and made 2…that boy ate nearly a whole one that night and Sunday he put a BIG dent in the other one..He enjoyed it so much it made me happy to see him was good, I haven’t made one is a long time and it’s so easy to make..

1/2 lb ground beef, 1/2 cup mayo, 1/2 cup milk, 1 1/2 cups shredded cheese, 2 eggs beaten 1/3 cup chopped onion, salt and pepper to taste. Brown and drain the meat, combine mayo, milk, eggs, salt, pepper and onion, then add the meat and cheese, stir well..pour into an unbaked 9 inch pie crust and bake at 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes. I love onions in everything but Chase won’t eat them in anything so I had to leave those out!

How many of you are addicted to Bejeweled Blitz?  I have such a love hate thing going with that know how they delete the weeks score on Tuesday, I can usually make it to a little over a 100,00 on that day but whatever I score on Tuesday is the score I keep all week..I swear I’m not going to play it again until Tuesday, but I never listen to myself because I’m right back there again everyday..I would probably faint and fall out of my chair if I ever made it to 200,000….I guess I am too slow and too have never been one of my talents!!

I have another funny story to share today about Angie… when she was about 3 we were watching the PTL Club, she was sitting in the chair with me, listening to every word, the preacher said something about Jesus coming soon, in a minute or so, Angie got out of the chair and went to her room…I heard noise so I went to see what she was doing, I go in her room and there she is, with her little suitcase out, and trying to decide what clothes' she should take. I said “Angie what are you doing baby”..she replied in her sweet baby voice, “Jesus is coming soon mommy and I’m getting ready to go…and then she looked at me and said “are we going in Jesus' car or ours”…she was so sincere, she really believed Jesus would be there any minute. That is one story I will never forget, I can still see her in my mind that day..Oh for the faith of a child.

Lainey and Paula have made some beautiful new layouts..

From Lainey


She used Pot Luck.. You can find the credits Here


She used Picnic Promenade..Credits are HERE


She used ALL the Picnic Promenade phrases on this one..its awesome Laney..Credits are HERE

and this one is from Paula

pjk-ellieBD web

Love the frame and word art with this picture.. its perfect, and the paper and alpha look like it was made to go with the frame and word art..great job.thanks Paula! You can find it HERE

Here are my new word art sets





Visit Jazz's Words to Delite to purchase them

Well folks I think I will go work on my newest word art and see what the day brings..hope it’s something good…hope you all have a great day…leave a comment if you like these funny stories…



  1. Thanks for the recipe Jazz! I LOVE new recipes and this one sounds really good!! I absolutely love your new frames--they are soo cute and I am hoping to get more pages made, and to do your challenge at DSO! Also I am turning my page into a QP to give away--so I will blog that tonight.

  2. Thanks for posting this recipe!!those things was good!I cant wait to make it for carlon and braydon!!They'll love it!!The other recipe you need to post is that corn beef casserole you use to make!that stuff was awesome!!I believe everyone would love it if you did!!
