Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wednesday Already..Where is the time going

Good Morning everyone..hope all is well in your corner of the world.  I have not accomplished much this week…All  I seem to do is sleep…day and night!!  I did get my clothes washed and I have to get them all put away..I have been out of the house once this week to go to the grocery store…between the warm days and the pollen I don’t have much choice…the top of my garbage can is yellow..Bless all of you that have allergies..Josh told me last night he thinks the babies have allergies..they both have watery eyes, runny noses and a cough..I could do without the pollen..too bad nature needs it..Would you like to see some other reasons I didn’t accomplish much the past few days!

Do any of you like old vintage pictures?  I love them and I have found a couple of websites that I love so I thought I would share them with you. The first one is …she puts new pictures up everyday on her blog and she has hundreds listed by subject.  Another one is  she also has new pictures up everyday and has some awesome things on her blog.You can download and use all of these pictures. 

Another thing I love is old movies..nothing better than an old Black and White movie to watch.  Almost all of the old actors and actresses have passed away…seems like when 1 passes 2 more follow…I wonder why that is, why famous people and others too, pass in 3’s! I found a site that has a lot of old movie star pictures and information. I spent at least an hour or more browsing and reading the site…I really enjoyed and if you love old movies and the older stars you should check it out…

and go to this part it’s What 100 movie stars in 1956 want I found it to be very interesting. I also found a video of an old McDonalds commercial..its not real good but it must be old because I learned about something I never knew McDonalds sold! It’s on this site also.

I don’t know how I managed to get to this next URL..but I spent a long time on here looking at the pictures..and there are hundreds of them..many many I didn’t see but let me tell you, there are some weird people out there and they pick some dandy outfits too! I am going to show you a few and they are much funnier with the captions..These were all taken in Wal Mart stores..













These are some of the tamer ones!! to see more go HERE

Well, I guess you can see one of the reasons I didn’t get much accomplished yesterday!  I am wondering how the woman in picture 8 got all that hot pink, hot orange or whatever that color is, got everything the same color…ever her shoes look like they were made to go with the outfit!..the lady with the pick tail looked like she robbed Barney! Some folks just amaze me…I think Mr. Sexy (above) had a few of something non carbonated..LOL

Now I have some real eye candy to show you..both of these layouts were made by Junebugmom68


she used my Rustic Warmth Word Art  you can see the rest of the credits Here


She used my Sis and Me Word Art..You can see the rest of the credits Here

I just love this one and the extraction work is did you get those strains of her hair like that?  You are going to have to give me some lessons…Thanks Nancy both of these are beautiful.

Don’t forget to check out the DSO Challenges for this month..there are some beautiful posting gifts…and my Challenge is the Altered Photo Challenge, its very easy and you can find it Here. Be sure and check out Words to Delite for all of your word art needs..I am sure you will find something you are looking for and you will help me make my sales quota for the week!!

I had better close this down and go eat some breakfast and take all my meds, put up my clothes and do something creative or I’m gonna get fired LOL I know I haven’t made you anything lately but I will have something for you on Friday..have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you had a day to just enjoy things that you don't get a chance to do very often. Walmart photos always amaze me when I get them in emails. Can't believe people go out in public like that. Have to look at some of those old photo sites too as they are great to see.
    Thanks for sharing all this, take care.
