Thursday, August 20, 2009


Hello Gang...hope this morning is going well for you...I have one of those headaches from @#@@..woke up in the middle of the night with it..hurt so bad I threw up, feeling better but still have the headache, dulled but still hurting.

We got the baby home last night..I kept Kaylen all afternoon and until 9 last night..that's when they got him out out of the hospital..I am supposed to go over today and help Kendra out with Kaylen...hope I make it..I finally got the pictures we made at the hospital off the camera..will share a few with you later...Josh cut off heads that day LOL

I also have new word art in the store today...I think its a great set..It's called LETS PARTY Here's a little preview.

Do you like to party? Do you have party pictures un-scrapped? Well, for all you party animals, I have a new set of word art LET'S PARTY 
that is perfect for you. There are 20 word art phrases in this set, all done on its own png file and in 300 ppi for better print quality. These can all be resized and re-colored and will be great for other craft projects. This is one set you just have to have to give those party layouts that WOW factor. It's on sale now at 20% off.

Also keep in mind my Designer of the Month sale. The entire month of August, everything in my store is on sale for 20% off...there are some great buys there.

Now for the pictures

Jaxon August 5th 2009 071Jaxon August 5th 2009 073

Jaxon August 5th 2009 080 

I have more that I will share later.

Well gang, going to take more tylenol, lay down a few minutes and hope this headache goes away..can't wait to get my hands on my babies..they are both so precious. Hope you have a great day.


  1. Hope the headache is better today Jazz. And that you got to spend time with the babies and have fabulous time. :)

  2. Hope that horrid headache goes away. Really hate the ones that wake you up, they seem to pound the hardest. Little one is just adorable, such perfect little features. Love the one with the head cut off and you can only really see big sister and him.

  3. hope your headache is much better today! i don't get them often but i sure had one the other night that was awful! I LOVE the baby photos!! Thank you so much for sharing the warm smiles this morning AND for your visit and SWEET comments too!! :) Have a HAPPY Monday! :D
