Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patrick's Day

Hello everyone...do you have green on today?  The Irish say it gives you good luck...I am going to wear it from head to toe and see if it works..LOL

Sorry I have missed a few days...Gage and Zane have been here since Friday and I think their Mom fed them energy pills before she left..LOL They are out of school for Spring Break and they want to spend all of it here..but Angie is coming to pick them up this afternoon..(hush Crops).

I have so much to tell you today I better get on with it..

First I'm having a big sale today for one day only!

st paddy sale

Dont faint but have 3 yes 3 new word art sets in the store today...I really like all of these...hope you will too!!

I thee wed preview

If you have wedding pictures to scrap then this is a must have..you can see it here http://digital-scrapbooking.org/shop/itheewed-p-2203.htm its also on sale for 50% off.

Dancing Star Preview

I've had lots of request for dancing word art so here is it..some of it has some bling some are just plain.. you can see this one here http://digital-scrapbooking.org/shop/dancingstar-p-2225.html also on sale for 50% off today only.

A bit of the blarney preview

What better thing to have today than Irish word art to dress up those St Patrick's Day layouts..they are here http://digital-scrapbooking.org/shop/a-bit-of-the-barney-p-2223.html also 50% OFF just for today.

I have a bit of eye candy for you also..

Here is one I made using Chaos Lounge Summers End Kit.

thank you for joiningus

I used I Thee Wed..

Keri and Dana's wedding LO

This is one of the prettiest layout I've seen ..kit looks like the Beautiful bride is walking into the frame..that extraction is excellent..O2BNGdHope made it... She used I Thee Wed also.

This beauty was made by SA Cannon (sue) I just love the colors and the way the picture is in the heart..great job Sue..she also used I Thee Wed Word Art.


purepixels made this one..Its so exquisite..love the soft colors and the blending..clustering is beautiful also..She also Used I The Wed.


Crops made this lovely layout..love the altered photo........even if she cant remember what all she did to it..LOL..love it crops and the word art is I Thee Wed.

I have lots more to show you but will wait for another day. I have a little St Patrick's Day gift for you..

Happy St.Patricks Day

I hope you like it and can use it..you can change the color and the word art is not attached so you dont have to use it..

http://www.box.net/shared/omyblh6pfu that's the link to get it..

Good bye everyone, hope you have a great day and much good luck! Remember to smile and keep looking up, Big Much Love Jazzy.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing! :) Have a HAPPY holiday!

  2. Top of the morning to ya Jazz!!!! Your new wordart is awesome! Thanks! Have a good one and watch out for those leprechauns today....they like to play pranks! LOL

  3. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the St. Patrick's Day Theme post on Mar. 17, 2009. Thanks again.
