Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Story Continues

Good Morning it cold where you's sure pretty cold here in Alabama..I actually got cold during the night and that's unusual. Miss Kaylen just woke up, I hear her in the other room cooing and talking to herself..she is the best baby..always wakes up with a smile on her face..I love it when all I have to do is walk in the room and she starts smiling when she sees me..

Well folks let me tell you the latest on the clean up the house saga LOL...Josh actually got up and went to the kitchen and poured out that nasty cold dirty dishwater..he immediately filled the dishpan again with HOT soap water, sat down and watched a TV show about Aliens..I wonder if he is actually an alien..he loves those things..anyway he washed 3 dishes...dried his hands and watched another TV show, fed Kaylen, then gave her a bath and played with her and the dishes are still there the same way this morning.

Last night as I was going to bed he said Nana, I promise the kitchen will be cleaned up and the floors mopped and everything......soooooo we will see, I will let you know what happens..I really don't know why I don't just go ahead and do them because I imagine if they ever get done I will do them..LOL

Does your family put a new roll of toilet paper on when it runs out? My friend Crops was blogging about her family and the empty toilet paper holder...I have the same problem at my house..I have this beautiful huge basket in the bathroom floor right under the toilet paper holder..and I keep it full of new rolls of you think they fill the holder ...well of course not, but get this one, I will have a roll on there and if it gets low, they take it off use it and throw it in the basket..what's up with that laziness or what!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to ask one day why they take the roll of but can't put a new one on!!

Do you have a schedule on how you clean your house?  Well I ran across this one and thought I would share it with you..

Wash on Monday, Iron on Tuesday, Mend on Wednesday, Churn on Thursday, Clean on Friday, Bake on Saturday, Church on Sunday 

Thank heaven for modern inventions...I wonder how many people actually iron this day and time..and thank goodness the days of churning are gone..I have my grandmothers old churn and butter mold..the churn holds dried flowers and the mold is in my kitchen window along with her old egg poacher and tea ball...

A few reminders...My Photo Op Challenge at DSO 

Be watching here for a huge sale I'm having...coming soon..

Don't forget to check out my new word art Tiny Love Notes

I have 2 beautiful layouts made by Sue that are just beautiful...have to share them with you.


Isn't this just out of this world...I love how she put her wedding picture behind the fan...she used the Tiny Love Note word art..


Here is another from Sue...this is just stunning Sue.. She used Tiny Love Notes on this one also..Thanks Sue

Well folks guess I will say goodbye for today..Kaylen is still cooing and talking and I just can't stay away any longer..gotta go get my love fix for this morning!!  Speaking of love, since its getting close to the month of love thought I would make you a few word arts about just that...

Bits of Love preview

If you would like to have it you can grab it here

See you soon, don't forget to wear a smile today, keep looking up, and big much love Jazzy


  1. Hi Jazzy...just stop by to say hi and to tell you I posted an award on my blog for you. You always have the words we are all looking for.


  2. I think the saga with toilet rolls happens in just about every household doesn't it.....I know it does in my house too and there's only me and hubby most days. Grrrrr I prefer the toilet paper to run out when I am in there otherwise the empty roll is just left on the holder. When son visits he will change the paper but the empty roll is put on top of the unused toilet rolls. How hard is it to take it and put it in the rubbish bin???
    Anyways can't teach old dogs new tricks so just grin and bear it LOL
    Thanks for the latest Word Art

  3. Thanks this is just perfect!!!

  4. Hi Jazz, thank you for your Word Art! I think that toilet paper saga goes on in everyone's house!!
    Just thought I'd let you know here in my neck of the roads today, it is very cooooooooollllldddd!! 5 degrees and I have to go to work today!! Brrr!
    Take care Jazz, love to visit your blog, good luck getting your kitchen cleaned up!! LOL

  5. i don't have any scheduled day for cleaning but we did as kids! Had to help mom clean EVERY saturday morning!! OH how cool to still have your mom's churn and molds!!! Very,very COOL!!
    You always share such BEAUTIFUL layouts and today's are no different! That fan layout is soo creative!!
    Thank you for sharing your AWESOME wa!! LOVE it!!!
    Oh and before i forget!! i have an award for you too!! LOL no kidding! Does this mean you should share 14 random things about you? hehe
    i will be happy with just 7 :D
    Please do visit my blog to receive it! Hope you have a BEAUTIFUL day, Jazzy! :D

  6. Stunning LO's! I think every house has the problem with the toilet paper rolls. :) Thanks for the fantastic WA.

  7. I really had to laugh about the dirty dishwater! Two things, my DH is a Ufologist as he calles it and even though he does most of the dishes he has to leave those last few 'soaking' I tell him I don't mind doing the dishes I just refuse to reach my hand in stinky dishwater to do it!
    Thanks you the WA!

  8. Thank you for the lovely word art!

    I enjoy reading your blog - usually brings a smile to my face.
    Have a happy day.
