Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Hello Everyone..hope you are having a good week so far..Sorry I didn't make it here yesterday..I wasn't feeling good so I was lazy all day and did NOTHING..LOL Angie and the boys didn't get to come down Sunday and I didn't get my tree put up.  Josh, Kendra and I are going to put it up somethime this week.

I had a dull and boring weekend..I don't think I got out of the house.  The baby didn't get to come for the weekend as her other Grandmother was visiting and she had to stay home with her..that's only fair but I sure did miss the little stink. Angie send me the pictures we made Thanksgiving and some of them are so cute.  I thought I would share a few with you.  Better get comfy I have lots to show you today.







My babies..all of us in our Auburn clothes..too bad they didn't help us win the game!!


The game got so boring Kaylen and I took a nap and Angie just had to make a picture LOL..This is definitely not one of my better days!!

I have more I will show you later.

Oh and I just have to show what Crops2dawn has made..


c2dsnowgirl preview

Aren't these the most adorable things..love them..Crops you did an excellent job on these my friend..she is giving these as a freebie on her blog so if you would like to have them pop on over and be sure to leave her some love.

My friend Renee at ByDezign has made a great element of fireworks..


Perfect for those New Years Eve pages we will be doing..this is also a freebie on her Blog..remember to leave her some love too.

And last for today..LouCee one of our new CT members for KimB's made this adorable bag topper..


This is the freebie on her Blog just cut and fold and you have this awesome bag topper..what a great gift idea.

I some great eye candy to show you from my CT


Marion sent me this one of 2 of her grandsons..oh I bet as they get older she will know the true meaning of double trouble..LOL this is so darling and she used my new All About Kids.



Maggie Mae made this one..isn't she a Cutie with her tooth gone..she used word art from Christmas Glam Titles , and  Christmas Words


Maggie Mae's twin granddaughters..are they just the cutest little girls..she also used word art from All About Kids..I love how she combines more than one WA on her layouts.


My friend Gayle (Scrappymammawgf) send me this beautiful layout she did for a Challenge on Scrapbook Max..she used Carena's kit and the word art is from my Heritage Cards set. This is her Mom and Dad..They were sure a handsome couple Gayle and I really appreciate you sending me your page..I love to see how and what word art people use...send more and those others of you out there Please send me your layouts too...We would all love to see them.

Well gang I'm sure your back sides are a bit numb by now..lol so I better shut this down for today..don't have a freebie today but will make up for it on my next blog...

Hope the rest of the day goes well for you..keep that smile on your face and remember to keep looking up..big much love Jazzy

Oh don't forget to send pics of your Christmas Decorations!!!


  1. Hi Jazz.. the layouts look adorable, love the double trouble word art lol!

  2. ohhh Jazz those pictures are priceless!!! I especially LOVE that one were you are both sleeping..lol
    Were your ears ringing yesterday??? Paula and I were talking about you....hehehe...nothing bad of course, we just said how much we miss ya being around! We really DO!!!
    Thanks for posting my snowpeeps...that was really kind of you!
    I finally got my decorating done today, so when I get some time to take pictures I will send them your way!
    Take care gf! Love ya!

  3. LOVE the layouts! and the baby photos & the snowpeople and fireworks and Loucee's creations too !! i LOVE it all!!!! lol so far, we have a tree up but haven't gotten out the ornaments yet LOL if i dont get the boxes out this week (hoping it gets a bit warmer tomorrow) then we will get them on the tree this weekend for sure! i can hardly believe how lax we have become with it all since my baby is now 24 lol
    Thanks so much for all you share and i hope you have a FANTASTIC day! :D

  4. Oh Jazzy those pics are ADORABLE! and I LOVE the one of the two of you catching a Ziz as we would say here- BWAHHAHA- PRICELESS!
    Happy Birthday my dearest friend!
    I hope you have had a really good day!
    LOVE you muchly
