Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Already

The week has passed really fast and I feel like I've accomplished a good bit.  This morning it's rainy here in Alabama.  I have the blinds open and it's very overcast and cloudy but  there is a big tree in the school yard  across the street and it still has the most beautiful leaves shades of orange, yellow and gold..I have enjoyed it so much and sure hate to see it lose all its leaves..then it will be bare and depressing.  One very nice thing about this complex are all the beautiful trees and I have had a spectacular color palette to watch.

Go get you some coffee or coke or whatever because I have lots to share with you today.

First is a wonderful award I received from Dinphy I am so honored and want to say a big thanks to her for thinking of me for this.  Dinphy has a wonderful Blog and some beautiful free things.

The name of the award is Kreativ Blogger Award.  I have to tell 7 things I love and then pass it on to 7 people.  So here goes.

1..My family

2..Being a Great Grandmother

3..Home made Red Velvet Cake

4..America my country

5..Old movies and Old Time Radio Broadcast

6..MY friends

7..Digital scrap booking and making word art

The 7 people I am passing this on too all are wonderful people and friends, they all have great talent to share and always do, and I love them.  They are Crops2dawn, (my very first friend I made when I joined the scrap booking community), PK Doll, Jenni, Renee, Michelle, Doodle and Kim

The DSO Challenges are up so please stop by and participate in them and check out the awesome posting bonus you will get. Mine is The Photo Op Challenge

DSO has so many new items in the store I wanted to show you so you can check them out..

Shannon - Hope Is Paper

 shannon hope is


jazz family joy

Jazzy -LR_TEENAGERS_Wordart jazz teenagers

Jazzy - ChristmasGlam_Titlesjazzchristnasglam



Darlene - Taste of Winter

darlene taste of winter

 Darlene - Friendship Brew darlene friendship

Darlene - One Winter Night Paper Pack

darone winter papers

Darlene - One Winter Night- kit

darlene one winter night kit

 Darlene - One Winter Night Elements Pack

dar onewinternight elementa

Andrea- Mimzy Add on andrea mimzy

Andrea- What's Up?

andrea whats up

 Andrea - Golden Days andrea golden days

Andrea - Warm Blessings

andrea warmblessings kit

Andrea- Oddball mini kit andrea oddball

Livia- emotibuttons

livia emotibuttons

Kims bag stuff...too much to list.. so linking directly to her store!

kimb dragon


mindi holeycowopset2

Mindi - Attached


Mindi- PAPER STRIPS set1


Mindi- Holiday Ribbons

mindi holidayribbons

Most of these are on sale for a few days.

Jenni at Chaos Lounge has a beautiful new kit preview on her Blog


and here's a beautiful freebie she has for you.


I have some beautiful eye candy from my CT but since this has been such a long post I will save them for Monday.

I know some of you are into making cards so I made you a little something you can use for them..hope you enjoy it..

LR_Card Sentiments

There are some for the front of you card and sentiments for the inside. You can get them here

Thank you for sticking with me thru this rather long post..but I hope you saw some things you would like to have and will check out the store.  Have a wonderful weekend and wear that big ole smile, keep looking up and big much love Jazzy


  1. ahhhh, Jazz!!! Thanks soooo MUCH!!! I knew there was a reason I missed you sooo much.....hahaha
    Thanks so much for the birthday word art too...that will come in GOOD use for my cards....LOVE THEM!! Have a great weekend, and dont let those GS near the Love ya!!!!

  2. Thanx Jazzy! Its been such a crazy week and you have made a bright spot for me today!!!

  3. I'm SOOOO excited about your freebie Jazz!!! You have no idea! I make bday cards ALL the time... or bday tags, or bday layouts... etc etc etc..... so thanks SO much!!! Biiiiiiiiiiiiiig HUGS for ya girl!!! MWAH! (Thanks for 'giving me what I asked for!' WAHAHAHA!)

  4. Thanks so much for the award Jazzy, and for sharing all the great freebies, especially yours ! Have a great weekend!

  5. LOVE your wa and thank you so very much for sharing!! WONDERFUL new products in that store too!!! Have a GREAT weekend! :D

  6. Thank you very much for these lovely card verses!
