Friday, July 18, 2008

Yakety yak Please Talk Back

Love Laughter & Friendship Always Welcome Here

Hello Friends..
Guess what!!! I got my first ever award from my friend Andrea, its the Brillante Weblog Premio-2008..Thank you so much girl..I will get it all posted on the blog soon as I find my blog designer thing I forgot to tell you yesterday..Isn't my blog beautiful..I owe it to my dear "super woman Kimmy" I know she figured it was easier to just do it rather than try to tell me how..LOL..(She knows me too well) she did tell me she would show me later..she also make my adorable blinkes..take one if you like..Thanks are the bested

Let me tell you folk..yesterday was indescribable for me. NEVER EVER, in my wildest dreams did I think my blog would be so well liked and that I would get so many wonderful comments from all of you..I can never explain to you what joy you put in my heart. Some of you already know about my oldest daughter Lori but for those of you who don't I would like to share.

On February 15, 2008 Lori turned 39, she told her sister Angie, this is the last birthday I'm having, I'm staying 39 forever like Phyllis Dilard ".On Sunday the 17th her oldest son Josh went to wake her up up and she was gone, she died of congestive heart failure. I was in the hospital at the time in the unit on a Bipap machine and couldn't talk to her, I wrote her a note and told her happy birthday and I love you, she said I love you to mama. I am so thankful that those were the last words we said to each other.

I know many many of you have lost a child and know the feelings you have..Its like someone put their hand inside of me and ripped out my heart and you get so cold inside. My whole life changed after then..some were good changes and some not so good..some days I could make it thru the day without crying..some days I think I can not make it thru one more day. I miss her so much..she did everything for me. When things settled down I went back to scrap one link with sanity..and then some days even that didn't help.

Lori LOVED fairies and she had a saying "Sometimes all it takes is a Fairy"..I guess that and Lori gave me the inspiration to try this idea of mine..When I saw my first sets of word art in the store and when Bunny told me I had made some sales...I was overjoyed..I could feel some of the ice melting in my heart...but friends yesterday really did it ..I am happy in my heart again and its all because of the love I felt from you and all the nice things you said both about the blog and about my word art..and some people telling me I made them smile and how good I made them feel...well-lets just say then I really felt good know like that warm and snuggly feeling when you curl up in your favorite chair with a good book, a soft warm blanket and a cup of hot tea!

Ok enough of the sad stuff..lets get on with happier thoughts and just "Yak" some LOL

Ok..lets play a little trivia here..if you can tell me what Grits are you will win a surprise ..its also a sneaky way to get some comments from you LOL..after all that's my way of getting to know have to "Yak" back and tell me some about tomorrow we will find out who is trivia queen (or king can't leave out the guys) I'm excited to hear the answers.

I told you yesterday how I got started in scrap booking and eventually designing and selling my word I want to share my family with you-my daughter .Angie is a wonderful, loving and caring daughter, wife and mother..she makes me so very happy, she is a wonderful mom, She is so funny and can say and do some of the funniest things and she Loves to make you laugh..when she was young she used to do things and Lori and I would laugh till we cried..the only problem was..She would NOT stop!! After awhile it wasn't funny anymore..Like the time she took purple eye shadow and painted her face..and made herself  a horn..she came out dancing around singing "The one eyed, one horn, flying purple people eater"..I know some of you have no idea what the one eyed one horned purple people eater looked like well-he was Purple with a big horn in the middle of his forehead how the song went..but take it from us children of the 60's he was funny and so was she!!! Mercy me I could fill up several blogs on just some of her performances HEHEHE..

I would hold my breath in children's church I was so afraid of what she would say.I ran into a lady from church in the fabric store, she told me that on some Sundays she was going to go home before preaching and she would think about Angie and she had to stay to see what she had to say that day...She went into a sermon one time about the end of time and the devil was coming back and Jesus was coming back and they were going to have a big ole fight and Jesus was going to win because he was Jesus and everyone knew it was in the Bible..the preacher had to jump in and stop her or she would have gone on and on more remark she made..I will never ever forget this one..we were watching the PTL Club, she was about 3 sitting in my life listening to every word..the preacher said Jesus was coming soon..she jumped out of my lap and ran in her room..I heard knocking around and went to check on her..she was packing her suitcase..I said what are you doing baby, she looked at me with those big eyes of hers and said..Jesus is coming soon and I'm packing my clothes..and mommy are we going in our car or in Jesus's car..out of the mouth of babes!!

Angie's husband Dave is such a nice guy..together they have 2 sons. Zane and Gage are both 8,Zane is a month older they have been together since they were barely 3 so they are brothers...never try to tell either of them they all live happily together .They lived in Beaverton Oregon until a few weeks ago when they moved to Alabama..after Lori died they wanted to be close to me and Angie's big family they resigned their jobs packed up and moved to Huntsville about an hr away from here..better job selections there..they spent the weekend with us last weekend and it was so great...and so wonderful to know they are so close...the boys haven't gotten here yet..they spend the summer with their other can just about imagine how much I am wanting to see my boys..It's been almost 2 years I am so waiting for the 1st weekend I can get them to myself and spoil them rotten..and well-then send em home..ok that's mean isn't it..but isn't that what Nanas do!!


Next time I will tell you more about my family..but right now I want to share some beautiful layouts done by Paula, pkdoll..



and here's one I did, after all I'm still on Kim's creative team :)

Sweetbaby RS

I wanted to show you a preview of another new set of word arts that went in the store yesterday...Let me tell you if you have fishermen or women in your family you will love this set!


You can find these here

I have a little something different for you today I think you will like it

LR_Frame_ &_Wordart 

You can download it here

until I see you again..Keep smiling and I hope everyone has a great day..don't forget to check out DSO and some of the terrific goodies by my fellow designers..You will love it..Big hugs to all Jazzy.


  1. Hmmm.... sorry, never had grits!!! LOL! So great to see those wonderful layouts with your WA Jazzy! Thanks for being so chatty and friendly here on your blog. I feel like I'm logging in to 'chat with a friend!' :-) {{HUGS}} for ya!!!

  2. I think grits is made from corn, but don't really know. i'm a oatmeal and cream of wheat fan.

    I just love your posts!! It's fun getting to know you! I love your layout & wordart! Thanks for the little freebie!!

    Your daughter's family is beautiful!!

  3. Jazzy - I am so happy that your blogging is going so well! Until about a year ago, I had no idea at all what grits were. Just that southerners ate them for breakfast. Alton Brown (Good Eats on Food Network) had a show on them and now I LOVE them!! Grits are also known as polenta. They are stone-ground coarse cornmeal made sort of like oatmeal. I make mine with half water/ half milk and then toss in a handful of cheddar cheese (and butter when I remember) at the end. Yum!! A couple of days ago that was all I ate for lunch. LOL!

  4. Wowza's girl- you yakking up a storm-lol
    As for Grits- LOL, well I thought they were corn cakes-
    but isn't it also a football team- bwahahaha
    I don't know- but here we use GRIT to line out driveways- and it's fine white stones. Also used in mixing concrete- LOL

    thanks for the freebie-HUGS

  5. Grits are made from hominy, and are a southern breakfast food/hot cereal like cream of wheat or oatmeal. I like mine w/ butter, then I mix it all up with my fried egg and bacon. Yummy!!
    I love your blog. I'm glad I found it. I'm fairly new to blogging, too. I'll be checking back. :)

  6. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 19 Jul [LA 01:03am, NY 03:03am, UK 08:03am, OZ 06:03pm]).

  7. Good Morning Jazz, happy to hear that you are sounding up. After all that you have gone through and still facing, this blog and word art career is surely a blessing. Don't know how to describe grits other than I love them with butter and cream. Even though I've lived all my life in the midwest, love some of your foods. Love the picture of Angie's family.

  8. Jazz I love your story today! Just like Beth said-it's like coming and chatting with a friend:) As for Grits----I was born and raised in the midwest and I may have had grits once or twice but don't remember. So I found this grits poem and thought I would share with you:

    An Original Grits Poem
    (submitted by a loyal visitor to!)

    Grits in the morning,
    grits at night.
    With butter and salt,
    they taste just right.
    Grits with bacon,
    grits with ham.
    I'm a grit lover,
    yes, i am.
    Grits with breakfast,
    biscuts and gravy.
    If you dont like grits,
    you must be crazy.
    Fresh hot grits,
    stick to your ribs.
    That's how a southerner.
    likes to live.
    Grits on the side,
    but not to runny.
    Northerners think grits,
    taste kinda funny.
    But good old grits,
    just cant be beat.
    It's a pure down south,
    southern taste treat.
    So give me grits every day,
    I'll eat my grits any which way.
    I love grits,
    thats what i said.
    If you aint never ate grits,
    you aint never been fed!

    By Martha B, 2007

  9. Jazz I love your story today! Just like Beth said-it's like coming and chatting with a friend:) As for Grits----I was born and raised in the midwest and I may have had grits once or twice but don't remember. So I found this grits poem and thought I would share with you:

    An Original Grits Poem
    (submitted by a loyal visitor to!)

    Grits in the morning,
    grits at night.
    With butter and salt,
    they taste just right.
    Grits with bacon,
    grits with ham.
    I'm a grit lover,
    yes, i am.
    Grits with breakfast,
    biscuts and gravy.
    If you dont like grits,
    you must be crazy.
    Fresh hot grits,
    stick to your ribs.
    That's how a southerner.
    likes to live.
    Grits on the side,
    but not to runny.
    Northerners think grits,
    taste kinda funny.
    But good old grits,
    just cant be beat.
    It's a pure down south,
    southern taste treat.
    So give me grits every day,
    I'll eat my grits any which way.
    I love grits,
    thats what i said.
    If you aint never ate grits,
    you aint never been fed!

    By Martha B, 2007

  10. Hey Nana this is Josh your first born grandson..I got on your computer and pulled up your blog while you where sleeping :) just wanted to say that I am so proud of you and that I am very happy for you.And for any of her friends reading this thank you all! you have made her happier than I Have seen her in ages and im so thankful for that!shes so thrilled to be workin with you guys shes told me so much about how nice you people are and how you welcomed her here.My Nana is the sweetest lady in the world and i love her to death!!!thank you all for making her so happy!keep up the good work nana banana! I love you! (:P)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Grits are stone ground corn. The finer parts become corn meal and the coarser part becomes the grits. <:D> Love reading your blog. And the comments from your friends are interesting too! We learn so much about you from your grandson, Josh. What a sweet guy he must be to sneak in here and tell us how much he loves you. You're a lucky grandma!

  13. Josh that is so sweet of you to do this for your nana! We do love her to pieces and we too know what a big heart she has!!

    Jazzy my very dear friend--my heart is broke in two for your loss. I want to thank you for calling me personally to tell me of the passing of your dear grandson Andrew. I know how near and dear he is to your heart. My prayers are going out to you and your family to help you cope with this incredible loss. But like you said he doesn't have to suffer any more and he is in heaven with his mama! I love you and wish I could be there for you right now--but know that I am there in spirit. Please if you need anything just call me--anything at all! I love you girl!

  14. In my horrid experience, grits were very similar to Cream of Wheat - which I dislike greatly! LOL Thanks for the freebie - love the lil frame cluster! :)
